Wednesday 18 March 2015

Projects in Vava'u

Here are some of the projects that we checked on in Vava'u since we were on our way to Niuatupotapu.  One of the projects was the hospital that we purchased an ultra sound for them.  We met with the nurse who was trained on it.  She was so very thankful for it as now they did not have to send their patients to Tongatapu for their ultra sounds.  It has saved so much money for a lot of patients already.

We also had surplus chairs and desk from Siaone High School, which is run by the church.  We had to see who was in most need of them, so went and visited some Primary Government schools that sent request for them.  We picked two of the schools and one of the Government Officials, who was wanting some for a school that he has in Tongatapu.

Vava'u is a beautiful island, with a lot of little out laying islands.  There are mountains as well, such a beautiful place. We were so glad that we were able to spend the night here for some of the work and to be able to see some of the island.  We would have liked to have spent more time, but we were on a tight schedule.

Following are some pictures that we took while here.
Waiting to get on plane for Vava'u

This is the little plane we flew on to Vava'u

This is the inside of our little plane, very small!

This coming into Vava'u.  It is such a beautiful place!

Here is the little terminal at Vava'u.

This is the hotel we stayed in Vava'u, not too bad.  The view from our room was beautiful!

This is looking off our little deck of our hotel room. It was amazing!

This was the Bellavista Restaurant we ate most of our meals in.  We loved the view!

This is another little cafe we ate dinner in with some of the other Senior Missionaries.  It is called the Mango Cafe.

This was a wall in the Cafe that you could sign.  Look hard, we are there!

This the Ultra Sound that the Church purchased for Vava'u Hospital.  They were so very grateful for it.

These are some of the desk and chairs that we had to get distributed while here in Vava'u.

These are some more chairs as well.

This is one of the schools that we sent the chairs too.  The teachers only had a little wooden stool to sit on before we brought these chairs to them.  One made the joke that if they fell asleep, they would fall off!

This is some of the desk and chairs that we gave to this school.  The children were very excited to have them.

Another school that we donated desks and chairs to.  The school had already let out before we go there.

Again here is the teachers chair.

This was sitting at one of the schools.  Yes, we are still in Tonga! Notice how the front door is held shut!

This is a bridge connecting two of the islands.  This is Ana Ika, our Supervisor.

Ana kind of got her finger in the way, but the view was to beautiful we wanted a picture as well.

This is another view that we saw from a hill side, yes there were hills here!  It was so pretty.

This is a road going down a hill.  It felt so strange to be going up and down hills again!
"When you take time to see the hand of the Lord in your life, to "count your blessings one by one," it might just "surprise you what the Lord has done.""    John Bytheway

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