Monday 16 March 2015

March Sights Around Tongatapu

Here are some sights of things that we noticed while driving to many of our project sights.  We thought you would enjoy them.
This is the King's Villa just outside of Nuku'alofa

This pig was at one of the water project sights.  It had a crooked snout, looked pretty funny.

This Costa Cruise Liner came in to bay on March 7th.  Elder and Sister Murdock was wanting to get on it!!

This has been an old ship  wreck that has been sitting for years here.  They are starting to tear it down.  It looks so strange to see a large back hoe out in the ocean.  It would go out at low tide to work.

We were on a drive one day and found this place, it was so beautiful.  This is a road into some kind of a little resort.

This is the grounds of the resort.  Very pretty area.

This is another road we went down.  We thought it looked so peaceful and serene.

This a one of the many grave yards.  This is how a lot of the Tongans decorate to honor their dead with beautiful quilted blankets that is left until they get bad from the weather, then they make another to replace it.

Again another grave.  I always think of Sharon Hall when I see them.  She would probably cringe to see them out in the weather!

This little chapel was on one of our drives, it was very small but look so nice.  They are always taken very good care of, the yards and fences and the building itself.
"Be of good cheer. The future is as bright as your faith."  Thomas S. Monson

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