Saturday 31 October 2015

Gredings Visit to Tonga

On October 26th the Gredings flew into Tonga.  They are water specialist from Salt Lake City Headquarters.  While they were here we visited 11 water sights on Tongatapu, main island in Tonga, one sight on Atata, small island just off of Tongatapu.  Then onto Vava'u where we visited 8 water sights on the main island, then headed to the outer islands.  We visited Hungo where we learnd of the great need of these people.  They have no water other than rain water which is getting very low.  We then headed to Nuapapu and Matamaka island, these people were also in great need of water.  The last island, Otea are in need of some water catchment tanks.  Following are some of the pictures of their visit here.  Hope you enjoy them!
Here is Elder and Sister Greding just arriving for a long week of work!

Here we are at one of the water project request sights.  This is an old well that they are wanting to develop.  They are requesting a new pump and engine for their village.

Here we are loading up to head to Atata!

This is the resort that we landed at, they had nice cold fruit juice drinks for us.  This is Elder and Sister Greding enjoying their cold drink.

This the Stake President that is over this area with Elder and Sister Murdock, and Ana Ika.

This is the pool at the resort and the beautiful view.  It is a very nice place, one that would be nice to come to and relax!

We then walked to the water sight of the request we have.  This little village has 40 homes, no water other that rain water.  They are requesting help with getting a pump, engine, water tank, and stand.  They are working with Japan to drill the well.

We have now headed to Vava'u and are looking at a sight in Neiafu, the capital of Vava'u.  They have several dry wells and are requesting help with them and a new water engine and pump.

This is the Village of Ta'anea, they too are requesting a new water pump and engine.

After visiting 3-4 sights we went to this chapel where they had a nice lunch, Tongan Feast, for us.  The view from the chapel was amazing.  The cruise ship is a Holland Cruise Liner in the bay.  The big pine tree was planted by President Hinckley when he was here.

This is the group that we had lunch with.  They always have an open and closing song as well as prayers.  The Gredings were very amazed at their singing!

We are now heading to three outer islands.  This is the boat that we are going on.

Sister Greding and Ana are ready to go.

Here we are loaded and ready to head out.

Elder and Sister Greding enjoying the view.

And the view was amazing!

This is the island of Hunga.  We were all amazed that the concrete work of this ramp.  India provided the materials and the people of the village did all the work.  It was very good work, which tells us that they work together well.  They have no water other than rain water and their tanks are less than 50% and we are headed into the dry weather.  So they are in great need.  The Tonga Water Board has agreed to drill a well if we provide a water tower, water tank, engine and pump.

Here we are returning to the boat for the next island.  The view was amazing!

This is Elder and Sister Edwards.  They are TVET Missionaries at the LDS School here in Vava'u.  They have only been here for a week.  We were very happy that they could ride along with us for the day.  

This is the hike to the next village, Nuapapu, also requesting a new water supply unit as they have no water other than rain water.

This was the view of the bay of the next village, Matamaka, we went to that is requesting new water tanks for the village.

Here we all are headed to the village.  It was a very nice place, clean and well taken care of.

This was Swallow Cave that the boat driver took us into to see.  They drove the boat right into the cave.  We have heard from other Missionaries that it is great snorkeling in here!  

Some shots of Swallow Cave.  It was very interesting.

This is another island, Otea, that we visited.  They are requesting for new water tanks for the village.  The well that they had there was hand dug and was terribly contaminated.  We hope that they are not using it now!  The Tonga Water Board is  working on a new water system for this village.

After a long day at sea, we all headed to dinner at the Aquarium.  The food was very good.  They even had fried onion rings, the first we have seen in Tonga!  The fruit smoothies were wonderful as well as their fish and chips!

Here we are on our way to the airport and still have one last stop at a water sight at the village of Mataika.  They are needing a new pump.

This is our little plane that we are flying back to Tongatapu!

This is the inside.  Did I say it was little?  Yes it is little.  Elder Greding is reading an article we found in the pocket of the seats.  It is talking about the Handover Ceremony we did for Nukuleka where we did a new water pump and engine for them.

This is another water sight in Fo'ui.  They are requesting a new pump.

Last night in Tonga!  We went to dinner and show at Liku'alofa.  It was a nice evening.

Sister Greding enjoyed the dancing!

Final day in Tonga we headed to the Surfer Beach to take the Gredings snorkeling. It was a nice day.
Then on to the office where we had a final meeting on all the projects, then on to the airport for them to leave.
"The obligation of the receiver to labor, to the extent of his ability, to sustain himself and dependents, is just as great, in God's economy, as is the obligation to contribute to the care of the needy."  
                                                                                                                     Marion G. Romney

Monday 26 October 2015

Start of Harvest in Veitongo

On October 26, 2015 we headed to our Veitongo Farming Project as they are starting some of the harvest of the crops that we helped them to get planted.  In the project we paid for the preparation of the ground and the people then planted their crops.  This Project has been a great success, we are so proud of the people how they all worked together, members and non-members to get their crops in.
Since the start of this project in March 2015, the Veitongo Ward has had 36 baptisms because all doors were open to the missionaries because of what the church was willing to do to help the community.  It was a wonderful day, especially that we had Elder Haleck, Councillor in the Area Presidency, and Elder Tukuafu, Area Seventy.  We also had the media there to interview, Elder Haleck.  He was very impressed as well with what the people were able to accomplish.

This part of the project is the Relief Society Garden.  They set off certain rows for certain families that are in need.  It is a very beautiful garden.

This is some of the people in the project getting ready to start the harvest of the potatoes that they grew.

Here are some of the potatoes.  We know that they are not Idaho potatoes, but  they are very nice little potatoes and they do taste like a potato!

Here is Sister Murdock holding one of the potato plants.  We are sure that Levitts would think these are not real potatoes!

Here they have built an umu and are cooking some chicken, manioke, and lieu for the celebration of the harvest!

Here are some more of the people involved in the project with their little children.  We are all enjoying the feast, it was delicious!

Here are the two sisters that was doing the cooking enjoying some manioke.  As you can tell they always have a wonderful time no matter what they are doing!

Here is a little one enjoying the sweet watermelon we had!

Here are Elder and Sister Murdock enjoying the delicious food!  They are so good to us here!
Here the media is interviewing Elder Haleck, Councillor in the Area Presidency.  He is one of the committee that approves our projects here.  He was between flights and came to see our project.  He was very impressed how the people of the community had come together!
Here is Elder Murdock, Bishop Huni, our Champion in the project, Elder Tukuafu, and Tui, another Champion in our project.

Here we are visiting another section of this project.  Here they grew peanuts.  In the center you can see a pile of peanuts they have pulled from the ground.  We all enjoyed the taste of the freshly harvested peanuts!

Here are a father and son working together in the harvest of the peanuts.

Here is the little boy with his part of the harvest.  The pile was bigger than he was!

Here are the ladies picking the peanuts off of the plants and putting them into buckets.  This is a lot of work to harvest an acre of peanuts!
"Success in the Lord's service always produces miracles beyond our own powers."     Henry B. Eyring

Saturday 10 October 2015

New Senior Missionaries for Tonga!

On October 10, 2015, Elder and Sister Edwards from Beaver, Utah arrived.  The Senior Missionaries were there to great them and welcome them to Tonga.  The Edwards are ITEP Missionaries and will be living in Vava'u, so they will only be here with us in Tongatapu for a week.  We are very happy to have them here!  Following is a few photos of the evening.
Welcome to Tonga, Elder and Sister Edwards!

Here Elder and Sister Van Den Akker are putting their leis on them.

Here all the Seniors are Welcoming them and all their luggage for their stay in Tonga.

More visiting and welcoming!

Here is a group shot of all that came to welcome them.  We are all very happy to have them here with us!
"We share the gospel because we know it will help others become better, happier people.  But the blessings for us are priceless."  Clayton M. Christensen